T e a c h i n g
W o u l d y o u o r y o u r c h i l d l i k e t o l e a r n a m u s i c a l i n s t r u m e n t ?

Bhavandeep is an enthusiastic, friendly teacher with 16 years of experience. She believes everyone should have the opportunity to learn music and develop the wide range of skills music has to offer, as well as the enjoyment of playing an instrument, whether they are young or wise!
Bhavandeep gained her DipABRSM Teaching in 2010 and teaches the Flute (to diploma level), Classical Saxophone (to Grade 8), as well as beginner Piano (to Grade 4). She is passionate about students having a full well-rounded music education and has designed her own curriculum which forms a part of each pupils instrumental lesson. This covers all aspects of aural, theory and general musicianship including World Music, Jazz and the different aspects of Western Classical music.
For young children, aged 4-8, Bhavandeep has the option for learning the recorder, a specially designed flute or a specially designed reed instrument (easily transferrable to either clarinet or saxophone), which are ideal for small hands and lungs before they are ready to take on a full sized instrument.
Bhavandeep is very happy to teach students who both do and do not wish to take exams. She believes that exams are an excellent way to measure your progress and learn to manage the pressure of performing, however they are not for everyone and not always necessary so she strives to be flexible with her approach to lessons to enable students to have as many options open as possible.
Bhavandeep also actively encourages students to join their school/the county orchestras and bands as she believes the best way to grow as a musician is to perform with others.
P r a c t i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n :
Bhavandeep teaches privately, primarily from her home in Hucclecote, Gloucestershire. There is plenty of parking and parents are most welcome to wait inside during the lesson.
Bhavandeep is a member of the Musicians Union and works to an MU approved contract. She also holds a full Enhanced DBS (formerly CRB) certificate.
P r i c e L i s t:
Beginner to Grade 8 60 mins - £28
45 mins - £24
Post Grade 8/Diploma 60 mins - £32
45 mins - £28
Young student: 4-8 years old 45 mins - £18
30 mins - £15
Trial lesson is half price.